Prediction servers and predictions

Arne Elofsson arne at rune.biokemi.su.se
Wed Aug 7 04:38:25 EST 1996

Dear netters

I will teach a course in "Theoretical DNA and Protein analysis" and as
more and more of the tools get available over the WWW I will focus on
using the WWW to analyze the sequence/protein you are interested in.

The students will work on a small set of selected sequence and use the
WWW to try to find out as much as possible about these proteins. In a
way it is similar to what Tim Hubbard and Anna Tramontano did but on a
much smaller scale. We will use this course as a test of different
servers that are available over the net. A summary evaluating the
different servers will be published on the net.

SO I would rally appreciate
1) Any server that you want the students to use and test. 
   (If you have a small, easy to use and fast program that you want
ous to test we can provide a WWW interface for the server)
2) Any comprehensive list of servers and others related links.
3) Any protein sequence that you want the students to work on. 

thank you a lot


      From: Arne Elofsson         Email: arne at rune.biokemi.su.se
      Tel:+46(0)8-161553   WWW:  http://www.biokemi.su.se/~arne/

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