> Hello
> I4m wondering how to download a Pdb file. When I have found a pdb file of
> interest I always have a problem in saving the file, so I can see it in
> RasMol or Mage. Is there a speciel way in doing this. Please write back to
> me.
You should have no problem with RasMol. Make sure you download the
xxx.full files from PDB and save them as TEXT files.
For Mage, you need to first read your file in with RasMol as PDB files and
then write them out as kinemage files by issuing the following command in
the command window:
write kinemage filename.kin
where "filename.kin" is the name you want to save it. .kin extension is
not required but it is nice to have all the Kinemage files with the same
Good luck.
T. Chyau Liang
U. Texas-Houston