I am seeking to fill a postdoctoral position in my laboratory associated
with the NSF funded project "Shape Determinants of Protein Structure"
and function. The project encompasses three parts.
(i) Algorithmic development of ray-representation formalism
for description of molecular shape properties relevant to
the van der Waals and solvent excluded volume properties of
(ii) Cavity dynamics and protein function using ray-representation
(iii) Reduced models of protein folding using volumetric
and solvent potential signatures of configuration energy.
Additional background on these projects can be found on the PI's
web pages listed below.
The ideal candidate should be proficient in C/C++ and parallel
programming. The candidate should also have experience with basic
protein molecular dynamics code such as Amber or CHARMM and have
relevant biochemical training. The initial appointment will be for
one year renewable for a second year by mutual agreement. Salary will
depend on experience. Please send a CV and two letters of recommendation
to the address indicated below.
Michael G. Prisant, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Computer Science
Office: Department of Chemistry
Duke University
Durham, NC 27708 USA
Voice/Fax: (919) 660-1549/1605
E-mail: prisant at cs.duke.edu
Home page URLs http://www.chem.duke.edu/research/prisant/prisant.htmlhttp://www.mbp.duke.edu