Inexpensive Molecular Modelling Software Wanted (Macintosh)

Andrew, Tel. +396-91093434 WALLACE at irbm.it
Fri Jan 19 13:30:09 EST 1996

> >I'm looking for some molecular modelling software (e.g. ChemOffice 
> >or ChemDraw)  for the Mac that doesn't cost  an arm and a leg.  Anyone
> have 
> >any suggestions?  Please reply here or to my e-mail at 
> >mlinger at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu.  Thanks.
You might also look around for RasMol (RasMac for the Macintosh), an
application which will allow you to display Protein Database (PDB)
coordinate files, and which as far as I know is *free* to non-commercial
users. If you hunt through the web you will probably find a site that
distributes it, as I'm afraid I don't remember where I got my copy.


 | Andrew Wallace             |       Discussion on phage display,        |
 |                            |       combinatorial libraries, etc. -     |
 | IRBM P. Angeletti,         |        bionet.molecules.repertoires       |
 | Via Pontina KM 30.600      |        molreps at daresbury.ac.uk            |
 | 00040  Pomezia, Italy.     |-------------------------------------------|
 |                            |  "It has not escaped our notice that      |
 | Voice: +39-6-91093434      |   the specific pairing we have postulated |
 | Fax:   +39-6-91093225      |   immediately suggests a possible copying |
 | Email: wallace at irbm.it     |   mechanism for the genetic material."    |
 |                            |                                           |
 | DISCLAIMER: I do not speak |   J.D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick            |
 | on behalf of anyone.       |   in Nature 171:737-737 (1953).           |

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