Funding, Thailand Tropical Diseases Research, a self-help model.

Pornthep Sompornpisut porn at atc.atccu.chula.ac.th
Mon Mar 24 04:45:30 EST 1997

I was told to post this annoucement to all of you  who are interest to
join or collaborate in our research program.   
We will appreciate if you could please distribute this annoucement.
Thank you

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Yours sincerely

Chemist Lecturer                Phone: 66-2-2185221-2
Chemistry Deparment               Fax: 66-2-2521730
Facult. of Science              e-mail: porn at atc.atccu.chula.ac.th
Chulalongkorn University
Phayathai Rd. Pratumwan
Bangkok, 10330


From: Yongyuth Yuthavong <yongyuth at nstda.or.th>
To: emarshal at aaas.org
Cc: scytr at mahidol.ac.th, vicharn at nwg.nectec.or.th
Subject: Funding, Thailand Tropical Diseases Research, a self-help model.

	I read newspiece on malaria in Africa (Science 275, 299(1997))
with great interest. It may be of interest to your readers that two
research funding agencies in Thailand, NSTDA, through its Thailand
National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (also a
research agency), and Thailand Research Fund, are teaming up with
WHO/TDR to launch the "Thailand Tropical Diseases Research " Programme
(T-2 for short), to be funded jointly by the three agencies at a ratio
of 40%:40%:20%. The scale of the funding is about $2.5 million per year
for at least five years. This is the first major attempt by Thailand to
fund its own international-level research mainly by itself. The scope
will include malaria, Dengue, diarrhoeal diseases, helminthic diseases
(liver fluke, elephantiasis, etc.), hepatitis and TB, all with emphasis
on those prevalent in Thailand. It will involve both research funding,
product development, and technology transfer and training. The funding
will be open to the international community, provided that the work is
done in Thailand or has significant Thai researchers input. An
international advisory board has been set up, and will hold its first
meeting in Bangkok next month (11-12 April), which can be considered as
the launch date. We think that this Programme will help Thailand help
itself overcome the difficult problems of tropical diseases, as well as
demonstrate to the world that something can be done initiated by the
endemic developing country itself, provided the world also helps.
	If you would like more detail, please contact Prof Yodhathai
Thebtaranonth, Director of the T-2 Programme at scytr at mahidol.ac.th.
	Yongyuth Yuthavong
====== Please take note of our new Internet Address ======
Prof. Dr. Yongyuth Yuthavong, Director,
National Science & Technology Development Agency (NSTDA),
Yothee Research Building,
73/1, Rama VI Rd., Rajdhevee, Bangkok 10400, THAILAND
Tel: 662 6448002; 662 6448150-99
Fax: 662 6448020; 662 6448027-9
E-mail: yongyuth at nstda.or.th
WWW:    http://www.nstda.or.th

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