ANNOUNCE: MOLMOL 2.5 (Molecule Display and Analysis)

Reto Koradi kor at mol.biol.ethz.ch
Tue Oct 28 07:52:45 EST 1997

[ previous attempts to post this seem to have failed, sorry if it ends
  up appearing multiple times ]

Release 2.5 of MOLMOL, a program for display and analysis of molecules,
is now available. While the program has a special focus on the handling
of biological macromolecules, it can also deal with small molecules. The
last release was downloaded by approximately 1000 sites, and images
produced with MOLMOL were used in numerous publications and appeared on
title pages of journals.

MOLMOL runs on UNIX and Windows NT/95 and is freely available. It can
be downloaded from the following ftp sites:


Additional information, including legal conditions for using the
a list of changes since the last release, example images, etc. can be
found on the web page:

Reto Koradi (kor at mol.biol.ethz.ch, http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/~kor)

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