Biochemistry lecturer position

Jeffrey A. Cohlberg cohlberg at csulb.edu
Tue May 11 16:25:36 EST 1999

Opening for a Full-Time Lecturer, 1999-2001
California State University, Long Beach
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Duties:  Lecturing in introductory and intermediate biochemistry courses 
and supervision of biochemistry laboratory courses.  Opportunities may 
also be available for lecturing in graduate level biochemistry courses 
and supervision of biochemistry colloquia for senior undergraduate and 
MS students.  

Fall 1999 classes begin on August 30.  Salary commensurate with 
qualifications and experience.

Qualifications:  Ph. D. in Chemistry or Biochemistry or a closely 
related field.  Ability to communicate effectively with a diverse campus 
community.  Prior successful teaching experience preferred.

Required Documentation:  Letter of application; resume; three letters of 
recommendation; official transcript from institution awarding highest 

Position open until filled (or recruitment canceled).  Review of 
applications to begin May 15.  Applications and required documentation 
should be addressed to: Dr. N. M. Senozan, Chair, Department of 
Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 

For more information contact Dr. Nail Sezozan (nsenozan at csulb.edu) or 
Dr. Jeffrey Cohlberg (cohlberg at csulb.edu).

Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Title IX Employer

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