modeling helix bundles

Mario Garcia sbioi000 at cib.csic.es
Thu Jul 5 05:29:50 EST 2001

Dear all,
We would need to predict by computer modeling the structure of
the transmembrane domain of a channel protein likely to be composed by
a 6 parallel helix bundle. Could anyone give us any advice or suggestion
regarding methods and software specifically devoted on this subject? Any
help will be welcome.
Thanks a lot in advance for your reply,.
	Mario Garcia.

   Mario Garcia de Lacoba, PhD.       Phone   : +341 915611800 (ext.4334)
                                      Fax     : +341 915627518
Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas  E-mail  : mario at cib.csic.es
          c/ Velazquez, 144                 BIOINFORMATIC UNIT
         28006-Madrid. SPAIN.      


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