Call for abstracts - 4th International Conference on Molecular St ructural Biology

Kungl, Andreas kungl at hermes.kfunigraz.ac.at
Wed May 30 02:06:10 EST 2001

International Conference on Molecular Structural Biology
   Vienna, Austria  September 5.-9. 2001 

             !!! Call for Abstracts !!!

You can now register for the ICMSB2001 via the homepage at


Abstracts can be sent electronically or by post.
Visit the homepage to view the entire scientific programme, 
with sessions on:

Structural Molecular Biology: Ad Bax (NIH), Venki Ramakrishnan 
                (MRC Cambridge), Brian Sykes (University of Alberta)

The Protein Factory: Pirkko Vihko (University of Helsinki)

Macromolecular Structures: Johann Deisenhofer (Texas University), 
                Dino Moras (Université Louis Pasteur), John Walker (MRC
                Ian Wilson (Scripps Institute)

Folding and Function: Brian Matthews (University of Oregon), Eugene
                (Harvard University), Manfred Sippl (University of Salzburg)

Structure-Based Design: Torben Borchert (Novozymes), Ursula Egner
                 Kal Ramnarayan (Structural Bioinformatics Inc.), Myriam
                 (MRC, Cambridge)

Structural Genomics: Barry Honig (Columbia University), Malcolm Weir
(Inpharmatica Ltd.), 
                Tom Peat (Structural GenomiX Inc.), Andrej Sali (Rockefeller

If you need any further information please contact the conference 

Dr. Andreas Kungl 
Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH), 
Biochemistry Subgroup
c/o Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 
University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 1, 
A-8010 Graz
Tel.: +43 316 380 5373
Fax: +43 316 382541
E-Mail: andreas.kungl at kfunigraz.ac.at


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