Dear Security Specialist:
I am writing to invite to update you on our speaker's program and to again, invite you join America's Homeland Security leadership on September 17-20, 2002 at the HOMELAND SECURITY SUMMIT AND COUNTER-TERRORISM DRILL in Atlanta Georgia.
The Homeland Security Summit's unique program will combine a national summit for education, discussion and training from key Administration officials and top security experts with counter-terrorism drills and field training on the Eric Rudolph bombings, Day-Trader Shootings and Olympic Park bombing.
Federal homeland security leadership and each state's Governor and Homeland Security Director have been invited to attend. Private sector security leaders will also be in attendance. The exhibit floor will provide over 100 exhibitors with space to demonstrate the latest science and technology.
Among many others, the program includes sessions with:
* Chairman, House SubCommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security, CONGRESSMAN
* Former Soviet BioPreparat Weapons Designer, DR. SERGEI POPOV
* Chief of WMD-CBRN Responder Training Division, Ft. Leonard Wood, DAN ARDEN
* HHS, Office of Public Heath Preparedness, DR. JOEL SELANIKIO
* NIH, Chief of Occupational Safety and Health, DR. DEBORAH WILSON
* FBI, Special Agent in Charge (Atlanta) TED JACKSON
* Delta Airlines, Vice President, Corporate Security, JACK DALTON
* Member House Judiciary Committee, CONGRESSMAN BOB BARR
* BellSouth Georgia, President PHIL JACOBS
* Black Hawk Down's COL. DANNY MCKNIGHT
* Adjutant General of Georgia, MAJOR GENERAL DAVID POYTHRESS
Additionally, interactive think tank and town hall sessions will be held, as well as a unique opportunity to observe actual counter-terrorism exercises.
The purposes of the Summit are threefold: to provide a forum for education, DISCUSSION, NETWORKING AND DEBATE on the issues that face the nation regarding homeland security; to provide attendees with the unique opportunity to OBSERVE ACTUAL COUNTER-TERRORISM EXERCISES; and to provide attendees with an EXHIBITION OF THE LATEST SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL SECURITY SOLUTIONS.
Additional details, exhibitor prospectus and registration materials may be found at,, or you can contact Marissa Ryan at 206-292-9198 for additional details or assistance.
Murray Cohen, PhD, MPH, CIH
Chairman, Homeland Security Summit
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