BEND input file

Mario Garcia sbioi000 at cib.csic.es
Tue Feb 18 10:34:16 EST 2003

Dear folks,
Because looking into the angles_tri.dat input file of the BEND program, is
not clear what the roll, tilt and twist angles are for each trinucleotide
(and because it seem there is no agreement between roll angles and those
you can find in Table I from the original Goodsell & Dickerson NAR paper),
I would need to know how these data are formatted into the angles_tri.dat
file in order to included my own trinucleotide model in a properly form I
can use as my own "angles_tri.dat" input file.
Thanks a lot in advance for help.

   Mario Garcia de Lacoba, PhD.       Phone   : +341 915611800 (ext.4334)
                                      Fax     : +341 915627518
Centro de Investigaciones Biologicas  E-mail  : mario at cib.csic.es
          c/ Velazquez, 144                 BIOINFORMATIC UNIT
         28006-Madrid. SPAIN.      


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