ANN: UCSF Chimera

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Jun 17 09:34:31 EST 2003

The UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics
is pleased to announce the newest release of UCSF Chimera, an
interactive molecular modeling system.  It is free to academic and 
non-profit users and is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, IRIX,
and Tru64 Unix.  It can be downloaded from http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera

Chimera has the capabilities common to many molecular graphics programs,
as well as a number of more unique features, including:

   - Display of multiple sequence alignments and associated
     structures, with information flow in both directions

   - Atom-type identification within arbitrary molecules

   - Hydrogen-bond identification using crystallographically-derived
     distance and angle criteria

   - Display of 3-dimensional data sets as contour surfaces or
     transparent solids, with interactive threshold adjustment

   - Playback of molecular dynamics trajectories (AMBER format;
     others forthcoming)

   - Interface to facilitate screening of candidate ligands from
     DOCK, including filtering by number/position of hydrogen bonds

   - Extensibility as a design principle, allowing users to create
     custom modules without changing Chimera code

Further description of Chimera's features can be found at

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