Fw: News from the W-SEAS (please, forward to your friends and colleagues)

"A. Espen WSEAS Member alexis_espen_at_canada at canada.com
Wed May 5 18:09:52 EST 2004

Attention: If you want to reply, write in the Subject Line
of your email program the word: WSEAS  
                                            WSEAS, May 4, 2004

NEWS from the WSEAS.

1. Plenary Lecture of Professor Zadeh in WSEAS Conference of SOFT COMPUTING in Miami

The father, creator of fuzzy logic and one of the most
important personalities in the area of science and technology
in the 20th and 21st century, Prof. Lotfi Zadeh was
presented a new plenary lecture in the WSEAS conference in Miami (April 21-23, 2004).
Download now (without password) the Lotfi Zadeh' Plenary Speech in 
WSEAS Multiconference in Miami from WSEAS.  

2. Several Awards (Best Paper Award, Best Presentation Award, etc... in the WSEAS
conferences in Athens and Corfu). Contact WSEAS.

3. PROLONGATION for WSEAS Conferences in Rio De Janeiro (Brazil). 	Contact

4.  NEW Strong and Enhanced DATA BASE with ALL the conference Proceedings of WSEAS
    ON-LINE. You can download FREE and you can Browse FREE all the WSEAS Proceedings.
	The Best E-Library!

5. For the WSEAS Multiconferences in Athens (Greece) and Corfu (Greece)
after several requests, the organizing committees, gave prolongation until May
31 2004 (only for the invited sessions in Corfu the deadline is JUNE 15, 2004)

The organizing committees will not give any other prolongation for thses
WSEAS conferences and please, send your papers as soon as possible
(and of course we recommend do not submit them at the last day).

For the WSEAS Conference in Athens, we have received more than 500
papers up to now, while in Corfu (August) we have more than 300.
So, as you understand, other extension of the deadline after May 31
is impossible.

Please, check, before you sending your paper, if you have written
your paper in the WSEAS format. Serious deviations from the correct format
will cause possible rejection of the paper (due to the big number of the
papers that we have already).

Also, please, note that due to the great success of the 8th CSCC in Greece,
the organizing committee also relocate the 9th CSCC from Istanbul (Turkey)
to Greece again in July of 2005. Details on the web site of WSEAS.

Here is the Conferences Announcement:

(8th CSCC) Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 12-15, 2004

8th WSEAS Int.Conf. on CIRCUITS
8th WSEAS Int.Conf. on SYSTEMS
   *  Special Symposium: 2nd WSEAS Intern. Conf. on MULTIDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS  (MDS
8th WSEAS Int.Conf. on COMPUTERS

Corfu Island, Greece, August 17-19, 2004 

6th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS (SYMPOSIA on: Linear
Algebra and Applications, Numerical Analysis and Applications, Differential
Equations and Applications, Probabilities, Statistics, Operational Research,
Optimization, Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Systems, Communications, Control,
Computers, Education) 
Corfu Island, Greece, August 17-19, 2004



  (1) Can I send my paper directly via the WSEAS web site?

Reply: Yes. In fact, this is the unique correct way for paper submission.

  (2) Can I have some days extension?

Reply: Unfortunately, not. Sorry. May 31 will be the final day of papers' acceptance

  (3) If I have some difficulties in VISA or in my trip and I cannot go to Mexico?

Reply: contact us by email.		
Attention: If you want to reply, write in the Subject Line of your email program
the word: WSEAS
  (4) What are the new issues of WSEAS?
Reply: The WSEAS Transactions on Computers, The WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and
Systems, The WSEAS Transactions on Systems circulate now bimonthly (6 issues per

So, the next issue of  
The WSEAS Transactions on Computers will be November 2004
The WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems will be May 2004
The WSEAS Transactions on Systems will be May 2004

>From now these three journals will circulate 6 issues per year, instead of 4.

   (5) What is the maximum size of a paper:

Reply: 9 pages. Please, do not send papers more than 9 pages 

  (e) Can I attend the conference without presenting a paper?

Reply: Of course, yes. Contact us for details.


A. Espen

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