[Molecular-modelling] Undergraduate Oligonucleotide Student Project

Daniel Waldron depwaldron at googlemail.com
Sun Aug 27 12:10:29 EST 2006

Dear Dr. Gallego,
My name is Daniel Waldron and I have recently completed my third year of
undergraduate study at Warwick university.  As part of my course I was
offered the opportunity to carry out a short research project in Barcelona,
where I studied as part of the oligonucelotide group under Professor Enrique
Pedroso.  During that time I came across your paper detailing
a novel T:G:G:T tetrad,

'Centrometric Pyrimidine Strands Fold into an Intercalulated Motif by
Forming a Double Hairpin with a Novel T:G:G:T Tetrad: Solution Structure of
the d(TCCCGTTTCCA) Dimer' *J. Mol. Biol.*, 278 pp. 840-856

My project relies in part upon your work, and so I was wondering if I could
obtain permission to use some of your material in my project.  If I may be
so bold, could I ask that you also point me in the direction of useful
reading material on the subject, as I am keen to expand my knowledge in the

Thank you very much for your time

Kind regards

Daniel Waldron
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