3506 Highway 6 South #117
Sugarland, Texas 77478-4401
Voice mail: 713-587-5437/Fax: 713-438-4581
Dear Gulf War Veteran or Supporter:
Thank you for requesting information regarding the now proven use of germ
warfare on the American servicemen and women. Though the U.S. Government and
the Department of Defense actively deny the existence of the Gulf War disease
(Associated Press 8-2-95) there is overwhelming evidence to substantiate the was
to biological and biochemical weapons use during Desert Storm (letter to
Secretary of State William Perry from Senator Riegle, 1994, Riegle Report,
October 9, 1994, lawsuit and documents of Peter Kawaja).
There are about 10 to 18 different biologicals shipped to Saddam Hussein and
made in the United States in Texas and Florida. (Riegle Report list of
Biological shipped to the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission). The disease(s)
unfortunately are communicable and affecting not only the GW veterans but the
spouses and children. A very high number of miscarriages and congenitally
deformed children are being reported. There are immense political and criminal
implications as it has been illegal under the Geneva Convention Regulations of
1972 to make, experiment with, distribute or sell, germ warfare.
DR's.' Garth and Nancy Nicolson have isolated one of the U.S. man-made germ
warfare biological agents at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas.
(Made in Houston, TX. and Boca Raton areas). The biologicals were tested,
according to the Nicolsons, in the Texas Department of Corrections on the death
row inmates. There appears to be a treatment, if caught early, however it is not
a cure for those suffering with the Mycoplasma incognitus infection. According
to the Journal of American Medical Association (Feb. 22, 1995) the recommended
treatment is doxycycline (tetracycline) 100mg., two times a day for 10 days. Up
to six courses of treatments have been required. For those who cannot take
Tetracycline, Cipro has been found to be effective. GW servicemen/women and
their families and significant others may get their blood tested at no charge.
To make arrangements call 713-792-7484.
If you have evidence from the GW such as gas masks, filters, sand specimens,
documents, etc, contact Peter Kawaja at 407-241-8407. Do not give information
over the telephone regarding your evidence, state that you were in GW, leave
your phone number, time zone and when to return call, and if it is okay to call
We have formed the American Gulf War Veterans Assoc. for the purpose of:
(1. Raising money for research and treatment of GW servicemen/women,
(2. Bring criminal charges against those involved in the development,
experimentation, sale and transfer of weapons of (germ and biological warfare)
mass destruction.
America, we need your support now more than ever. Over 1,000,000 men and women
were willing to die in the service of their country, they were knowingly placed
in harms way and to make matters worse are being denied treatment by the
Department of Defense and the V.A. This should serve to outrage all true
Americans and veterans to the atrocities perpetrated on America as a whole.
Just because you did not serve, does not mean you cannot get the disease. It is
communicable to the general population and can be transmitted via sex and
perspiration as it is airborne. Animals can also be carriers. This is not a
story of the past but one that will haunt us in the future. The presenting
symptoms are as follows: chronic fatigue, night sweats, severe joint pains,
shortness of breath, vision and hearing problems, rashes, benign and malignant
tumor growths, and neurological problems leading to paralysis and death.
If you served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm and have information regarding
biologicals use, please complete a written affidavit or statement with the
information you have. Keep th original in a safe place and send AGWVA a copy for
your protection.
If you served in DS/DS active duty or Reservist and are sick, please write your
story and send it to AGWVA. We need to know where you were, what you saw, what
immunizations you (think) you received along with what Scud activity you were
exposed to. We do not say this lightly, your life and the lives of your loved
ones are at stake. Many have died (approx. 7,000) many are sick (approx.
200,000) we must stand together and demand the antidote and answers from those
who had knowledge of this horrendous insult to mankind.
contact your local media and challenge them to tell the truth about the Gulf War
Syndrome. For media interviews call: 713-438-1699. The AGWVA will be your voice
to stand up for those who are sick and dying from this most deadly disease. We
need your financial support as well. Since the Department of Defense denies the
existence of this disease, we must work from our own funds to spread the
information that indeed the Gulf War illness is real, it is communicable and it
is "Outbreak."
Write your Congressmen/women and Senators and demand an accounting of the truth
behind the Gulf War. America's ugly secret is out. We will not be silent.
Patriotic ally Yours,
Joyce Riley, R.N., BSN
Capt. USAFR (inactive Reserve)
--end of entry (only 2 of 4 pages.) For more infomation please call them.
>Please note:
>I transposed this letter so that this information could be made available to an
>ever increasing number of people. I can not be held responsible for any type 'O's or the content
>of this letter. Craig :)
Phone Numbers: AWGVA 713-587-5437 Blood Testing: 713-792-7481
FAX: 713-438-4581 Gulf War Baby Registry: 800-313-2232
Media: 713-438-1699 Evidence: 407-241-8407